Tree Services in Whangarei
Qualified, Experienced & Insured
We undertake all aspects of tree work from trimming to complete tree removals, we can do it.

Tree Pruning & Trimming
Pruning and trimming is a lot of the work we do. We can shape, thin, lift and dead wood your trees to allow more light and air. Other reasons to prune might be to remove large or dangerous limbs, clear your phone and power lines, create view shafts, or lower the height of a tree by crown reduction. Whatever it is, we have all the tools and skills necessary to help your trees look fantastic. Get in touch for a free pruning quote.
Tree Removals

Occasionally a tree needs to be removed either because it is diseased, has structural weaknesses that may cause failure, or it has simply outgrown its surroundings. Preventing tree failure reduces hazards and can be cheaper in the long term. We are highly skilled in the removal of large, dead, dying and dangerous trees close to /over buildings and other sensitive structures and gardens. As qualified climbing arborists we use the best modern rigging equipment and even cranes to remove trees in tight access areas, safely and without damage to your property.
Portable Sawmilling

With our Peterson 10” sawmill we provide an efficient and productive portable sawmilling service in Whangarei and wider Northland. We are experienced in milling a wide range of tree species and we strive to produce high-quality, accurate timber for your projects.
Read our Portable Sawmilling Frequently Asked Questions page to learn more. We salvage and mill trees that we fell, and now have small amounts of unusual and rare timbers for sale. Get in touch for your milling or timber needs.

Wood Chipping
If you have been busy in the garden, but there are too many branches for you to deal with yourself, we can chip them onsite. Make sure you stack them facing the same direction (cut end one way, leaves the other) so it's easy to access. Facing the walkway is even better. We can even chip bamboo! Chipping branches saves time and money filling a trailer and dragging them to the greenwaste station, and all the goodness can stay onsite for you to reuse. Win win!
Edible Landscapes

A big passion of ours is fruit trees and we specialise in fruit tree propagation, pruning, food forest design and orchard care. Pruning and training fruit trees for the first 5 years of life sets their structure, and with a strong framework they can then hold the weight of their fruit season after season. We can can cordon/espallier trees on walls, wires or fences, and regenerate old fruit trees with deadwood pruning. To top it off we offer full permaculture orchard design and installation services.

Tree Planting & Bamboo
We are more than happy to have a chat about tree planting - what trees you should plant, where to get them from and where to put them. We offer tree planting services including design, ordering, planning, planting and maintenance. We can also supply and plant a wide range of clumping bamboo species for rapid shelter or privacy screening. If you would like help getting a forest, orchard or bamboo hedge in the ground, just get in touch.